Section Schedule
DANC 160
Course introduces the ancient discipline of personal development that balances body, mind, and spirit. Students learn a series of physical postures as well as practical methods for relaxation, proper breathing, meditation, and concentration that promote health, alleviate stress, improve skeletal alignment, and increase muscular strength and flexibility. Course also provides an introduction to the history and philosophy of yoga, which students explore through readings and written assignments.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 JerardiJ 16 / 16 Closed 3.00 $115.00 CCC 1306 102 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 -M-W--- 3:30p 4:50p
02 CohlmiaG 16 / 18 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 -M-W--- 5:00p 6:20p
03 CohlmiaG 18 / 18 Closed 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 -M-W--- 6:30p 7:50p
04 ZwergelT 18 / 18 Closed 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T-R-- 3:30p 4:50p
05 ZwergelT 17 / 18 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T-R-- 5:00p 6:20p
06 ColeM 17 / 18 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T-R-- 6:30p 7:50p
07 RyanK 15 / 16 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 1306 102 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T-R-- 3:30p 4:50p
08 JenningsP 17 / 18 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 -----F- 9:00a 11:50a
09 KlonowskiM 17 / 18 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 916 223 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 -----F- 12:30p 3:20p

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